Optimizing your medications

Expert advice from a clinical pharmacist about prescription and non-prescription medications

Medication reviews

Optimize your prescription and non-prescription medications

Have a licensed practicing clinical pharmacist review all your current medications to make sure you understand everything you need to know to maximize their benefits. Receive expert recommendations on how to ensure medications are taken appropriately using personalized tips, active reminders, or electronic devices such as smart medication adherence products. Learn about which medications to avoid due to negative effects on memory, reduce pill burden, and optimize necessary medications to meet your health and wellbeing goals.

Pharmacist consultations

Ask a clinical pharmacist anything about medications and their impacts on memory and cognition

Receive answers to all your questions about prescription and non-prescription medications, and their potential impact on memory, from a licensed practicing clinical pharmacist with expertise in memory care. Receive personalized information about any medication, supplement, natural health product, or medical cannabis you are taking (or considering) so you can make an informed decision about your cognitive and overall health.

Book a medication review or pharmacist consultation with our experienced clinical pharmacist

  • Personalized one-on-one consultations

  • Professional advice from a licensed, practicing clinical pharmacist with expertise in memory care

  • Practical recommendations to optimize your medications for memory and brain health

Frequently asked questions

  • For your comfort and convenience, a medication review and pharmacist consultation can be done either through in-person appointments at our office in downtown Kitchener, or virtually from anywhere in Ontario.

  • All clinical pharmacist appointments are half an hour.

  • You can book an appointment with us directly: Schedule an appointment.

    Appointments are currently available to anyone in Ontario. You do not need a referral or an Ontario Health Card to book an appointment.

  • Bring all your medication-related questions with you, and make sure you have all your medications available for your appointment. This includes all prescription and non-prescription (over-the-counter) medications, supplements, and natural health products.

    For in-person appointments, it is helpful if you bring all medications with you.

    For virtual appointments, make sure you have all your medications close by.

  • Medication reviews may be covered by OHIP if you live in Ontario with a valid Ontario Health Card and are currently taking more than three prescription medications. Please contact us for more details.

    Some private insurance plans may provide partial or full coverage for pharmacist services depending on your plan. You can obtain a detailed receipt for pharmacist services upon request.

Learn more about other services that can help you and your family