Neuropsychological Assessment

Tailored insights for targeted memory care

Neuropsychological assessments are designed to provide a deep understanding of cognitive function, identify memory challenges, and create personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's needs. By establishing a baseline of cognitive function, we are better able to offer precise and individualized recommendations for your care. The findings of a neuropsychological assessment aid in the diagnosis of neurological, neurodegenerative, and psychiatric conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, traumatic brain injury (TBI), epilepsy, stroke, and mood-related disorders. We are pleased to offer adult and geriatric abbreviated neuropsychological assessments through our partnership with Medical Psychotherapy. Click here to learn more about this organization and our collaborative approach to exceptional memory care services.

Call us to book your neuropsychological assessment today!

Neuropsychological assessment insights and recommendations

The interpretation of assessment findings involves a thorough analysis by our neuropsychologists. They consider how different cognitive abilities are performing relative to age-matched norms. This means the results are evaluated by comparing performance on various cognitive tasks to what is considered typical or expected for someone of the same age. This process helps to identify cognitive patterns and deficits that may indicate neurocognitive disorders.

This clarity enables families to understand the nature and severity of their loved one's condition, fostering better communication and informed decision-making regarding care and support strategies. Additionally, the assessment results inform personalized interventions, such as recommending memory-enhancing techniques or cognitive rehabilitation programs tailored to the individual's needs.

This approach is proactive: not only supporting the individual in maintaining independence and quality of life but can also equips their care partners with practical strategies to facilitate daily activities and manage changes associated with memory conditions.

An adult or geriatric abbreviated assessment serves as a foundational tool for building a comprehensive care plan that addresses the unique challenges faced by individuals with memory concerns and enhances the overall well-being of both the individual and their support network.

  • Following your assessment registration , you will need to complete an intake form that will be shared with our assessment team. There is no need to study or prepare in advance for your appointment. We simply ask that you arrive at least 10 minutes before your scheduled time. This ensures that we can start your assessment promptly and address any initial questions you may have.

    We kindly request that clients allocate sufficient time in their schedule to accommodate a longer testing duration, as testing typically lasts between 3 to 4 hours. However, some assessments may extend up to 6 hours.

  • You will participate in a series of tests for the duration of your assessment. Do not worry about getting the answers right or wrong. These tests are not a measure of your intelligence, but a way for the assessment team to understand how the different parts of your brain are working.

    Think of it like having your height measured: the ruler must go above your head to take an accurate measurement. Similarly, the assessment needs to challenge various cognitive functions to provide an accurate and objective evaluation. You may find some tasks easy and others more challenging—that is perfectly normal . Our assessment team is here to guide you through each step and ensure you feel comfortable throughout the process.

  • Upon completion of your assessment, your results will be securely shared with our certified neuropsychologists. They will carefully analyze and interpret the data obtained during your assessment to generate a comprehensive and personalized report.

    Once the report is prepared, you will be contacted by our administrative team to arrange a follow-up appointment. During this follow-up, our assessment team will review the findings with you in detail, address any questions you may have, and collaborate on developing a personalized treatment plan and support strategies.

What to expect:

Inquire about our
Neuropsychological Assessments today.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Neuropsychology is a field that connects ideas and concepts from neurology, cognitive psychology, and psychiatry. The main goal of neuropsychology is to understand how the brain's different structures and systems influence the way we think, feel, and behave.

  • Just like how a medical check-up assesses your physical health through various evaluations, a neuropsychological assessment evaluates multiple domains of your cognitive functioning through a customized series of standardized tests. These diagnostic tests are informed by the principles of neuropsychology, and brain and behavior relationships. They may investigate memory, executive skills, language, visuospatial abilities, attention and concentration- to name a few! 

  • For those experiencing memory concerns, an adult or geriatric abbreviated neuropsychological assessment offers valuable insights into the extent and nature of these concerns. In both cases, these abbreviated assessments are designed to efficiently gather essential information about cognitive functioning while minimizing the time and resources required compared to a full neuropsychological evaluation, as full neuropsychological assessments often require 1-2 days of in-office testing.

    This kind of assessment enables clinicians to identify specific cognitive strengths and challenges that extend beyond the scope of a memory assessment alone. The adult and geriatric neuropsychological assessment comprehensively evaluates the broad spectrum of cognitive functions, providing a more detailed and nuanced understanding of an individual’s cognitive abilities.

    Such knowledge is instrumental for guiding individuals toward effective management and support strategies, and in helping clinicians to develop and recommend targeted interventions aimed at optimizing memory, and high-level cognitive functioning. It can also help in diagnosing early signs of dementia and Alzheimer's disease and for monitoring cognitive changes over time.

    Overall, an adult or geriatric neuropsychological assessment can provide individuals with a comprehensive profile of their unique cognitive landscape and can help improve the quality of life for individuals living with memory concerns. It can be highly beneficial for individuals seeking to understand their cognitive health and address concerns related to memory and aging.

  • We are currently accepting self-referrals for early detection of cognitive change, young adults with cognition and memory concerns, cognitive assessment of patients with known neurological conditions (i.e., multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, stroke, and traumatic brain injury), functional cognitive symptoms, atypical presentations of dementia, early-onset dementia, and cognitive symptoms associated with psychiatric presentations (i.e. mood disorders).

    Please contact the clinic to book an assessment.

  • The cost of this assessment is $850.00, and it is exempt from HST.

    If you have third-party private insurance, we recommend checking for coverage of psychological services, as you may be eligible for reimbursement.

  • There is no minimum education level required to be eligible for a neuropsychological assessment.

  • At this time, we are unable to offer this assessment to individuals who do not speak English fluently.

  • An abbreviated adult or geriatric psychological assessment can inform return to work for post-stroke, post-delirium, and post-concussion.

    However, there are some professions that require a full neuropsychological assessment. Please contact our clinic if you have questions.

  • Yes! Even if you have previously completed a memory assessment, an abbreviated neuropsychological assessment can still be beneficial. An abbreviated neuropsychological assessment adds to and complements the results of a memory assessment by providing a broader view of your cognitive abilities. This helps to better understand and manage your cognitive health.

  • Testing typically lasts between 3 to 4 hours. However, some assessments can last up to 6 hours. We kindly request that clients allocate sufficient time in their schedule to accommodate a longer testing time.

    Upon completion of the assessment, all findings will be securely shared with our clinical neuropsychologists. They will interpret and summarize your results to generate a comprehensive, personalized report. This process typically takes approximately 8 weeks.

    We will contact you to schedule a follow-up visit where the finalized results will be shared with you in detail.

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